Letter: Crime against humanity sign distributor taking it the wrong way

Re: Letter: 'Crime against humanity' sign distributor responds

The letter writer gets pretty much everything wrong, or takes it the wrong way. First off, on April 4, there were 1996 COVID deaths in Alberta, not 1,198 as she says. On April 30 there were 2,075 deaths. 

She says that 26,138 people died in Alberta on 2019. Trying to make it seem like the number of COVID deaths is small. Yet eight percent of all people, that is one in 12 died from COVID. More people died from COVID than any other single cause. 

To calculate a death rate, you see what per cent of people with COVID died. There were 188,727 cases of COVID, and 2,075 of them died. That is 1.1 percent, not 0.05 percent as she says. 

It would be like calculating the per cent of people who died in plane crashes, using all the people who have never flown. 

In the flu season ending April 2020, there were 38,555 lab confirmed cases of the flu in Canada. 

In the season ending April 2021, there were 68. They did twice as many flu tests this year and had close to zero percent as many cases as the year before. 

Wearing masks, social distancing, sanitizing, etc. almost wiped out the flu, because it is much less contagious than COVID. I think that shows how effective these methods are. 

Bob Wilson,


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