Letter: Canada is still a free country, I think

Re: Innisfail’s controversial election sign policy back in council’s hands , Red Deer County probing Glen Carritt election sign and Letter: Heaven forbid he gets support

Having read the two election sign articles and Mr. Baradoy’s letter, I cannot sit by without comment. I don’t remember watching or reading such blatant and obvious bullying against an individual.

There is an obvious agenda against Mr. Carritt, filling a full page of dedicated reporting (no ads even) to a single election sign and Innisfail and Red Deer County election sign policies. This must be big news.

Mr. Baradoy’s suppressive letter to the editor has put a fine point on his own "narrow-minded' attitude, and he is apparently an expert on Black Lives Matter and ultra-right movements. How re-assuring for us all.

Targetted reporting and attitudes like these lead up to events that happened years ago across the pond. Voices were silenced, windows were broken, books were burned, numbers were tattooed on arms, and much more. 

Mr. Carritt is entitled to have his voice heard, take part in elections, and stand up for his beliefs, whether others agree with him or not. I don’t know him, we have not met, but he has my support. Canada is still a free country, I think.

Ron Wik,


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