Town takes over water treatment plant

The Town of Sundre has officially assumed operations of the water treatment facility and the responsibilities associated with it.

"This is a very important day in the Town of Sundre," said administrator Dave Dubauskas during council's Jan. 18 meeting.

"We are now fully in charge of the water as of January 1."

He opened the floor to Angie Lucas, director of planning and operational services, who said, "We now own and operate lock, stock and barrel the facility. It's a big asset รณ very, very important to the town."

Administrative staff will be keeping council updated throughout the following year regarding how everything is working, she said.

"With any new major asset coming to the town, you should have a good understanding of how that's working."

Coun. Cheri Funke suggested that any members of council who had not yet had a chance to visit the facility do so.

"It'll give you some understanding of the huge asset that we just took over," she said.

Council was presented a letter written by Shane Vollett, the town's water and wastewater operator.

He wrote that on Thursday, Dec. 31, there was a turnover of the facility's keys along with a changing of all passwords and door codes.

"A final walk-through of all facilities was also conducted and the Town of Sundre acknowledges that ATCO Energy Solutions and its contractor Pure Elements have fulfilled all contractual requirements and duties."

The responsibilities and duties pertaining to the water treatment plant now fall solely on the town and its employees, he added.

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