Town of Sundre compensation review moves forward

Three consultants responded to a request for proposals to conduct an in-depth study of the compensation of Town of Sundre staff, managers, council as well as the fire department. File photo/MVP Staff

SUNDRE — After being tabled during the Sept. 14 meeting, administration’s request for a decision from council on the selection of a consultant to conduct a professional compensation and benefit review was resolved.

Providing a brief recap, Chris Albert, director of corporate services, reminded council during the most recent meeting the item — originally the result of administration being directed by way of motion to put forth a request for proposals — had been pushed back to the next meeting to offer councillors the opportunity to discuss the matter in more details.

There were three consultants that responded to the request for proposals, whose purpose is to conduct an in-depth study of the compensation of staff, managers, council as well as the fire department, he said during the regular Sept. 28 council meeting conducted by teleconference.

Administration’s recommendation remained the same as before, for council to approve the selection of Salopek & Associates to complete the compensation and benefit review at a cost not to exceed $40,000, with funds to be drawn from the general corporate stabilization restricted surplus account. 

Coun. Todd Dalke, who had previously requested the matter be tabled, so moved, and the motion carried unanimously.

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