Sundre's waste removal contract extended

File photo/MVP Staff

SUNDRE — The municipality’s waste removal contract has received a one-year extension following a brief council discussion.  

The move came by way of motion during the regular March 8 meeting conducted by teleconference.  

“On behalf of the operations department, there is a request to extend the curbside pickup contractor, who is E360, for the Town of Sundre,” said Linda Nelson, chief administrative officer.  

The service, she added, includes the residential collection of compost, garbage and recycled material.  

“There is no increase to the cost for pickup. In fact, there may also be an 11 cent per household per pickup for compost reduction, depending on what happens when the (new) facility opens up in May,” Nelson said, seeking council’s support on extending the contract from May 31, 2021 to May 31, 2022. 

Coun. Cheri Funke so moved, with Coun. Richard Warnock seeking clarification with regards to whether service levels might be impacted.  

“There is no change to level of service,” said Nelson, adding there have been no major concerns expressed from the public about E360’s pickup service, with any minor issues raised being addressed by the contractor.  

Coun. Todd Dalke wondered whether any research on other options had been conducted by administration.  

“I know that in our area, we do have other providers that have come about over the last couple of years,” said Dalke, clarifying that he was not opposed to extending the existing contract but simply wanted to know if any other contractors had been considered.  

“The intent would be after this one-year extension, that the full contract go out for RFP (request for proposal) in May of 2022,” said Nelson.  

Funke’s motion carried unanimously.   

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