Sundre to have a voice on AUMA committee

Town of Sundre Coun. Cheri Funk received support from council to join an Alberta Urban Municipalities Association committee. File photo/MVP Staff

SUNDRE — A local councillor received the support of her colleagues in her request to join a committee of the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association.   

Coun. Cheri Funke informed her colleagues during a regular meeting conducted by teleconference last month that she had recently received a call from the association asking whether she might be interested in being involved in the organization’s Safe and Healthy Communities Committee.  

“What the committee does is it considers the issues relating to emergency medical response, health, policing, culture and recreation, and social issues and seniors supports within communities,” Funke explained.   

“I thought that would be a great opportunity for Sundre to have a voice on that committee,” she said, seeking council’s support to sit on that committee.  

A motion to that effect was unanimously carried. 

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