Sundre RCMP detachment report

The Sundre RCMP detachment received 57 calls for service from March 1-15, including the following:

∑ 2 ó 911 hang-ups

∑ 1 ó assault

∑ 1 ó resist arrest

∑ 5 ó mischief

∑ 2 ó breach of peace

∑ 4 ó break and enters

∑ 7 ó false alarms

∑ 8 ó motor vehicle collisions

∑ 2 ó suspicious persons/vehicles/property

The following are summaries of a few of those calls:

Break and enter at West Country Sports

In the early morning hours of Monday, March 7, West Country Sports was the target of a break and enter. The thieves broke through the glass on the front doors and proceeded to help themselves to approximately $2,000 worth of merchandise prior to fleeing the scene. West Country reported that the cost of the damage to the door was approximately $1,000. Anyone who has any information or who witnessed this incident is encouraged to contact the Sundre RCMP at 403-638-3675 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS).

Non-cooperative intoxicated male ticketed and put in drunk tank

In the early morning hours of Saturday, March 12, police were conducting a walk-through at one of the local watering holes to ensure compliance with the Gaming and Liquor Act. Police wanted to make sure that no person was in a licensed establishment and still consuming liquor after 3 a.m. One male decided that the rules didn't apply to him and wanted to finish his beer and game of pool. He became argumentative, belligerent and refused to comply with direction of the police officer. His behaviour landed him a few hours in the crowbar hotel and a $175 ticket ó an expensive beer and game of pool to say the least.

Citizen's arrest

On Wednesday, March 16, police were called to the area of Garrington Bridge as a local businessman had conducted a citizen's arrest on three adult males. The business owner had arrived at his worksite near Westward Ho only to find trespassers using his heavy machinery. The business owner called police but the men fled in a vehicle. The determined business owner gave chase to where he was able to locate the men. He boxed in their vehicle and waited for police to arrive. The RCMP can appreciate the actions of the business owner but do not encourage or condone them. The safety of those involved as well as the public needs to be strongly considered as the subjected liability one might face should something go awry is great. The three men are facing charges of mischief and trespassing.

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