Sundre chief administrative officer's spending limit for capital budget adjustments doubled

SUNDRE — Council has agreed to double the municipality’s chief administrative officer’s spending limit for capital budget adjustments.

The increased spending limit, which went up to $100,000 from $50,000, was the only change recommended by the Bylaw Policy Review Committee.

A clause under the policy’s section 5.6 states, in part, that “capital budget adjustments, being more time-sensitive due to the construction season, should not be restricted to adjustments once per year.”

The updated policy goes on to say that adjustments to capital budget items may be brought forward during the spring capital project review and the fall budget review, “with council approval required for any adjustments exceeding $100,000.”

The wording previously established a requirement for council approval for any adjustments exceeding $50,000.

Additionally, the CAO may at their discretion approve adjustments and expenses below that limit when prudent, and must also notify council in a reasonable period of time.

“All of this needs to go before council for a motion to approve as well regardless,” Linda Nelson, chief administrative officer, said during the regular June 13 meeting.

Without further discussion or questions from council, a motion approving the review committee’s recommended amendment was unanimously passed.

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