Sundre 4-H Club reporter outlines group's activities

The Sundre 4-H Multi Club has had a busy year. Members of the club’s beef group, pictured here, are preparing for the upcoming annual show and sale.,

The Sundre 4-H Multi Club has been having a great year. We have 21 members and six cleaver members. We have beef, sheep, horse, small engines and cooking as well as sewing clubs. As a multi club, we have helped with the James River Hall community supper, did a food drive for the food bank before Christmas and are planning on making bird feeders to put up at farms in the spring.

We had our public speaking competition on Jan. 30. It taught us a lot about talking in front of people even when we are nervous. Cooper Marfleet, Alison Marfleet, Brooke Macklin, Morgan Macklin, Saige Jackson and Codi Wilson went on to the area public speaking competition. Brooke and Morgan Macklin then went on to compete at the district level and then made it to regionals where Brooke placed first. They are very good speakers and we are lucky to have them in our club to look up to and learn from.

We have been learning about judging and had our club judging competition on March 20. Many members also planned to participate in the district judging competition on April 2 in Olds. It has taught us about placings and how to give proper oral reasons to the judges.

The beef group members have been working with their steers since weigh-in on Nov. 7. There are 11 members, all with steers this year. The members feed their steers twice a day in hopes of getting them finished for the show and sale at the end of May. They have had to work hard to get the calves quiet so they can be halter broke and groomed for showing in the ring. We recently had a mock show and everyone seems to be getting along well.

The sheep group members toured Linda Anderson Sheep Farm on Feb. 28 and learned how to take care of sheep, proper identification for lambs and the difference between picking a market lamb and a breeding ewe. They then had their weigh-in on March 11 and have started feeding and caring for their sheep. They also have to have their sheep ready for the show and sale at the end of May.

Members of the small engines group have been taking apart a motorcycle engine. They are learning about the different parts and are preparing to put it back together. It is the first year for this project and it is proving to be a valuable asset to our Sundre Multi Club.

Cooking and sewing group members have been focusing on cooking so far. They have baked gingerbread houses for Christmas as well as various meals. They are looking forward to starting their sewing projects.

The Silver Spurs Horse Club has been riding twice a month. Its members have been working hard and they are looking forward to their district show in Olds in May.

The Sundre 4-H Multi Club was established in 1957. It is my first year as a 4-H member but I have learned so much already and can't wait for many more years in 4-H. I am very grateful for the support of our community to help us keep this club going.

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