Phase 2 of skate park near completion

Phase 2 of the Sundre Skate Park is near completion.

“We've finished all the concrete work. Now what we need to do is get a bit of landscaping done and two of the rails are still being built,” said Paul Shippy, co-chairperson of the Sundre Skate Park Society.

“And then we'll get some benches and picnic tables and then it will be complete.”

There will also be a plaque placed at the park to commemorate all of the volunteers and sponsors, he said.

“Because of the generosity of a bunch of sponsors and volunteers, we've really been able to complete this project really inexpensively,” he said.

The cost to complete Phase 2 was about $32,000, which includes funds for a grand opening planned for late August.

Without the several donations, the society would have been looking at a rough cost of $75,000, he said.

The society had about $27,000 left over from the money that was fundraised to build the park in 2012. There was also a $5,000 donation made to the society specifically for the grand opening.

“Depending on how much money we have left over, we would like to do a skateboard and scooter and bike competition (at the grand opening),” he said.

Society members are also hoping to have live music and prizes at the event.

The park, located on 2nd Avenue, has become quite popular. He believes the addition, which was always a part of the plan, will decrease the risk of injuries at the park and accommodate skate park users at a beginner's level.

The addition is roughly 30 feet by 40 feet, which is about a third of the size of Phase 1. It was added onto the north side, in the centre.

“What we've created is more of a beginner's area for beginner enthusiasts and smaller features, more open, so that more people can take part in some of these activities,” he said.

He doesn't believe there will be a Phase 3 because the park is a reasonable size for the population of Sundre.

“It's a really nice success story for the community that's come together to create a really nice and usable area for all levels of skate park users.”

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