Rural areas don't need any more cats

In the article by Patricia Rileyó ìDumping kittens is not humaneî (Nov. 26) ó mention was made that people are always looking to adopt kittensÖ ìEspecially in rural areas because barn cats are popular.î

Would you people please stop this kind of advertising.

If we out here in the rural areas want cats, we know where to find them... what we don't want or need is the Albertan doing anything to suggest to anyone to dump their cats out here!

It happens far too often that people bring their unwanted cats out here and just let them go by the roadside, thinking that some farmer will look after them.

Right now I have two cats that now frequent my door because they were starving and I fed them... also coming in after that cat food is a fox looking for the cats!

Also have a coyote sneaking in here now and then for the same reason.

Please stop any kind of suggestion that the rural area needs cats... we don't!

I have two cats of my own to look after and now two cats coming to the door looking for food.

That's two too many.

Daryl Watson,

Mountain View County

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