Letter: We, the undersigned, object to what's happening with O-NET

Re: Olds Institute, O-NET

Considering the immense effort of various business people and citizens of Olds to ensure we has a state-of-the-art service (ie. O-NET), it is extremely disturbing to witness the current mayor, town council and administration break the original agreement in this manner and potentially destroy this thriving venture.

Lorne Barraclough and Wayne Rude,


I, the undersigned, strongly object to the mayor, town council and administration breaking the original agreement regarding O-NET.

Pat Hoschka,


As a citizen of Olds, I object to what the mayor, town council and administration are doing to the fantastic group who contributed many, many hours and days of volunteer effort to bring this extraordinary business to fruition. Agreements should not be broken in this manner.

Garry Pederson,


Hang down your head.

In my 80 plus years and nearly 50 years in Olds -- 17 of which were on Olds town council, it is beyond me as to how an agreement can be broken without honest, forthright, face-to-face consultation without legal people involved.

I have watched O-NET grow from an idea to a great service in our town. Many volunteer hours and days culminated in a thriving business and expansion to other areas with the promise of financial profit.

By breaking the original agreement, you have pulled the rug from beneath their efforts. Please take a hard look at what you area doing as it is sad to see such volunteer entrepreneurial effort destroyed.

Art Rowland,



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