Letter: Town of Olds' actions regarding Olds Institute offend me

The article headlined "Secretariat eyeing economic development opportunities (March 25 The Albertan) provokes me to add an alternate perspective, which distinguishes the community from the legal entity of the Town of Olds.

From this article it is clear that the Town of Olds wishes to grow the tax base. Within the article, Mr. Larry Wright (Town of Olds) expresses frustration at the lack of responsiveness in dealing with the large electrical transmission utility companies.

This should not be a surprise. They will respond when it suits their agenda.

This was the situation, 15 years ago when the community of Olds attempted to get upgraded internet service, a new essential utility. The big providers were not interested. Only after O-Net became an operational reality did they become attentive. Then it was "How do we get rid of this example of self-sufficiency?"

It was community volunteers, through the Olds Institute, that provided the leadership to envision and create O-Net. It was "future proofing" the community. It was both a strategic plan and a strategic action, based on extensive community input over a period of years.

Now, as I understand it, the Town of Olds is in the process of seizing legal control of O-Net and evaluating it, with the eventual goal of disposing of it. My question is, how does the Town of Olds' evaluator quantify in dollars, the value the community places on O-Net? I believe the value is far greater to the Olds community than dollars.

I believe, Olds Economic Development Secretariat, you must be aware that high speed, high service, broadband internet is an essential asset required to both maintain and grow the tax base. Yet, Mr. Wright does not mention it. Do you honestly not recognize the value this unique service brings to the businesses and citizens?

I submit that the Town of Olds should consider financially contributing to this essential utility rather than trying to sell it out from under the community.

Look at Red Deer County! They annually invest money in building fibre optic spines throughout the entire county.They believe that quality broadband internet is a public utility as essential as the county road system. Observe the increasing tax base and prosperity in Red Deer County. This is leadership and strategic planning in action.

In my opinion, what the mayor, council and administration of the Town of Olds is currently doing to the Olds Institute and O-Net is the complete opposite of leadership and vision. It is devastating to O-Net, the community and the Town of Olds destroying reputations and relationships. It is particularly distressing as it appears, to me, that the motivation is based on personal agendas and emotions. I don't care what caused this emotional blowout. Start thinking and acting logically.

The Town of Olds has ensured they are sheltered from community input and reaction by choosing to go directly to legal action. They are shielded from public input and scrutiny, standing behind "current legal process" so no discussion allowed. Add COVID lockdowns and we have Fortress Town of Olds with the drawbridge up and the gate locked.

Both the actions of the Town of Olds and their manner of undertaking the actions, offend to my core. I believe it is unwarranted, unfair and damaging to the community.

Denis Kennedy,

Olds (community)



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