Letter: Public should be concerned with government secrecy over coal mining

Re: Concerns with plans for coal mining remain

The public should be concerned with a provincial government that wasn’t transparent with the public by allowing energy companies to secretly operate on the eastern slops of the Canadian Rockies, nor with a government that doesn’t negotiate "in good faith" with workers in the public sector (teachers, doctors, nurses, etc). 

The citizens of Alberta should demand direct voting (referendums) on very important issues such as the creation of a provincial police force (the Albertan Rangers) to replace the RCMP. Some issues are too important to be decided by politicians. 

Or with the creation of an Alberta Pension system to replace CPP and OAS. How can we trust a government that usurped the teachers’ retirement fund without consultation? 

Or the funding of private health clinic with public funds? Or the funding of private businesses, such as private schools, with public money? 

Or for the funding of the “war room”? Or allowing for secret PACs? Or for changes to how municipal governments and school boards are elected. Or for creating a separate gun legislation system to circumvent federal gun laws? 

Plato said, “If you don’t take an interest in the affairs of government, then you are doomed to live under the rule of fools”.

George Thatcher,


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