RV parking rules change ahead of community standards bylaw's first reading

Council agreed to remove the seasonal provisions for RV parking as it reviewed the community standards bylaw at its Feb. 8 meeting.

In its draft form, the bylaw had a set of rules for spring and summer but another for winter. They will be replaced by standards for year-round parking.

Accessory parking will still require a landscaped 1.5-metre buffer zone between the parking pad and sidewalk or roadway. That zone denotes that on-street parking is permitted in front of that accessory pad.

Chief administrative officer Norm McInnis explained that the different sets of rules intended to address different issues with RV parking.

"Some are aesthetic. Some are safety. There are various things, so trying to find a standard that fits every situation is very difficult. It's not inconceivable we'll come back to off-season parking, but for the initial community standards bylaw it will come back to council for first reading," McInnis said.

"The intention behind it is, we don't want to have continuous streets where there's no on-street parking," McInnis said. "So if you've got your RV parked in that additional parking, someone can still park in front of you on the road there and that's fair game."

First reading for the community standards bylaw is expected to take place the next regular council meeting at the end of the month.

"The good news is we're open to listening to what people have to say. It's a living document. We can work with it today or amend it tomorrow," said Olds mayor Judy Dahl.


"The good news is we're open to listening to what people have to say. It's a living document. We can work with it today or amend it tomorrow." JUDY DAHL, Olds mayor

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