Road signs signal risky intersections

Signs like this one at 51 Street and 53 Avenue were erected at high-risk intersections in Olds recently. The town hopes drivers will use extra caution there.

Take extra care driving if you see them.

The Town of Olds has erected signs stating "High Collision Location" at a few intersections in the community.

One of the signs is located at 51 Street and 53 Avenue. Another at 50 Street and 51 Avenue.

"We've got some intersections in town where the incidence of accidents or near misses is higher than others," said chief administrative officer Norm McInnis.

"We wanted people to understand there's some sightline issues at those intersections and just to slow down and be more aware. We're hoping the signs have that effect."

When it comes to traffic calming, McInnis said stop signs, stoplights and pedestrian crossings are not always the answer.

"Keeping the flow of traffic is sometimes as safe as stopping traffic. There's an entire manual for traffic control devices and the efficiency of different control devices."

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