Proposed condo building in Olds approved

Plans call for a new building to be constructed east of the existing condo building at the northern tip of the 51st Avenue cul-de-sac. Photo courtesy of Span West

OLDS — The town's municipal planning commission has approved a second condominium building for the former Olds High School athletic grounds. 

Plans call for the building to be constructed east of the existing condo building at the northern tip of the 51st Avenue cul-de-sac, north of A&W, development officer Kyle Sloan says. 

“The condo building will be pretty much identical to the first one,” development officer Kyle Sloan wrote in an email. 

The building is estimated to be worth about $5 million and will have 22 units, just like the one constructed previously. 

At the time Sloan wrote his email (shortly before Christmas) the developer had not yet applied for a building permit. 

“Unless an extension is signed, construction must commence within 12 months of the approval date of the development permit,” he wrote. 

This project, if it does indeed go ahead, would be the second one developed in the area and the second to be constructed in five lots in the former Olds High School athletic grounds. 

Three of the lots are zoned R3 for medium density residential, while two are zoned for highway commercial.  

A spokesman for Span West Building Corp./Tamarack Ventures Inc., the applicants/owners of the site, did not respond to requests for an interview. 

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