Parking lot for Mountain View Credit Union approved

The Municipal Planning Commission (MPC) has approved a proposal to create a paved parking lot on a strip of land just west of the Mountain View Credit Union location and east of No Frills.

Town development officer Carey Keleman said the plan calls for the parking lot to be used by Mountain View Credit Union staff as well as tenants of the building. It will house 58 parking stalls. The area will be landscaped with trees and shrubs. Also, a chain-link fence will be installed along the west and south sides of the parcel.

Keleman said the one adjacent landowner the town planning department felt could potentially have concerns with the proposal is Loblaws (which owns land just west of the area, including the No Frills store). She said the company didn't raise any objections to the proposal.

Keleman explained the proposal came before the MPC because the land is designated Highway Commercial, and thus is a discretionary use – up to elected officials to OK.

“As planning and development staff deem that this is an appropriate use of the site, we are in support of the application,” she said.

Mayor Judy Dahl supported the proposal.

“I really like the landscape plan and I would think that the surrounding businesses, including the RCMP detachment, would be happy to see an improvement of the area,” she said. “I support this.”

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