Last COVID-19 pandemic response stats issued

OLDS — Town officials have provided what they believe will be their last stats on community services provided during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown.

That is, barring a resurgence of the disease and a need for another lockdown.

From April 15 to June 18, 320 community group-aided grocery deliveries were made and 2,528 grocery store curbside pickups were undertaken.

Four self-isolation check-ins were undertaken and 53 community partner contacts made.

Sixty-nine celebration drive-bys were requested and 60 were completed.

As of June 18, total expenses directly related to the COVID-19 response totaled about $51,300. That's up $18,000 since the previous update.

A total of 27 requests were made to defer utilities payments totaling just over $13,300.

Emergency Operations Centre director Brian Powell said June is the last month people can ask for those deferrals.

Penalties on late payments will begin to be assessed on July 2.

Penalties for non-payment will resume on July 2.

Fifty-nine business reopening grants have been fulfilled, totaling $24,800.

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