Giles named Citizen of the Year

Bonnie Giles has been named this year's citizen of the year for 2011. The announcement was made on Saturday at the Rotary Harvest Ball.

“That was a real surprise. But it's a great honour. There are so many others in the community, probably more deserving than I, so I am absolutely overwhelmed. It's wonderful,” she said.

Giles said when she chose Olds as a place to retire to she wanted to volunteer as much as possible as a way of showing her appreciation to the community.

“I just feel my life has been so enriched by helping others and I really believe that one person can make a difference, and so I would encourage everyone to go out and look for a (volunteer) job in their community and give back,” she said.

In addition to her time with the Olds Fashioned Festival of Trees – which she helped create – Giles has also served as a member of the Olds Fashioned Christmas committee. The Festival of Trees helps to fund the activities of the Olds Fashioned Christmas committee and items needed at the TransCanada Theatre.

“It was my dream to start a festival of trees here in Olds,” she said.

Giles has also volunteered two days per week for the past 15 years at the Olds Hospital and Care Centre, both at the operating room and helping with physiotherapy. Giles also visits shut-ins and the elderly delivering Meals on Wheels.

“Anything to help out, wherever I see something I can do to make somebody's life a little easier, I try to do that,” she said.

Giles also sang in a Passion play choir for 10 years, and in the community chorus. She was the director of the Kiwanis Music Festival for a year, and serves on the physician retention and attraction committee – and has since its inception in 2006.

“Life's been very good to me and I love the town of Olds. I encourage everyone to go out and do something in your community,” she said.

"That was a real surprise. But it's a great honour."Bonnie Giles, named citizen of the year
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