First-year land agent students accepted again

The Olds College (OC) land agent program is accepting first-year students again this fall after not accepting them for a year, due to low oil prices.

The Olds College (OC) land agent program is accepting first-year students again this fall of 2017 after not accepting them for one year, due to low oil prices.

Second-year students continued to go through the program, but first-years weren't brought in for the 2016-17 school year.

However, this fall both first- and second-year students can take the program.

"The 2016 intake for the program was postponed due in part to the struggling economic climate in Western Canada, but the Olds College Land Agent industry advisory committee has identified the need for the program to return and produce skilled, qualified land agent program graduates for upcoming years," an OC news release says.

"Energy prices are recovering and the industry in Western Canada is stabilizing," says Andrew Fulford, a land agent program alumnus and current employee of Birchcliff Energy.

"This should lead to opportunities for new graduates as companies begin to expand their operations. Additionally, there should be numerous opportunities for graduates in the renewable energy, utilities and pipeline transmission sectors and the government/regulatory sector."

Land agents collaborate with industry, government and landowners to negotiate the terms of acquiring land for infrastructure such as highways, well sites, pipeline routes and alternate energy sites.

With hands-on training in classrooms, labs and field settings, land agent students learn land acquisition, land administration, land and agricultural management systems, legal rights, petroleum fundamentals and specialized land and petroleum terminology.

Second-year students participate in a practicum assignment to further develop their skills.

-- Information for this story was provided by the Olds College corporate communications & marketing department.

"Energy prices are recovering and the industry in Western Canada is stabilizing." ANDREW FULFORDLAND AGENT PROGRAM ALUMNUS AND BIRCHCLIFF ENERGY EMPLOYEE

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