Bowden council debates identifying its vehicles

Bowden town council is wrestling with a sticky question ñ should signs go back on its vehicles identifying them as town vehicles?

During its Dec. 14 meeting, councillors agreed there are positive and negative aspects to doing so.

On the one hand, it would show a certain pride in the town. On the other hand, it would cost money to do so, and in the case of the bylaw enforcement officer for example, might be counterproductive.

ìRun it by him and see if he thinks it's a good idea because it might cause more harm than good,î Mayor Robb Stuart said.

Chief administrative officer Andy Weiss agreed.

Coun. Wayne Milaney raised the idea of placing town signs on vehicles, pointing out he had made that suggestion a while ago but had seen no action.

Councillors noted signs used to be on doors of municipally-owned vehicles. They wondered what happened to them.

ìThey started peeling off; so they were three-quarters sort of falling off and we took them off because a really poor logo is not good,î Weiss said.

"There is a bit of anonymity which sometimes helps bylaw enforcement for sure."ANDY WEISS CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER TOWN OF BOWDEN

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