Another Olds Pick Up Garbage Day is in the books

During PUG Day, Olds Elementary School student Rhett Wickwire dumps some of the trash he found in a bag held open by Grade 2 teacher Amanda Koch and Byron French (in hat) while Clara Smith looks for more trash.
Grade 2 Holy Trinity Catholic School student Johnathon Cheriyan picks up a bit of debris near Briegel Road in Olds during PUG Day Day.

OLDS — Hordes of students and volunteers fanned out across the town on May 18 to pick up and bag garbage. 

It was the community’s seventh annual P.U.G. (Pick Up Garbage) Day, an idea advanced by the Olds Lions Club and supported by the Town of Olds. 

Each year, local students in the Chinook’s Edge School Division and Holy Trinity Catholic School in the Red Deer Catholic Schools division take part.  

Other residents are encouraged to participate as well. 

This year, the pick-up was done under somewhat hazy conditions as smoke from forest fires in central and northern Alberta hung in the air. 

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