Council updated on economic development strategy

An aerial view of the Olds-Didsbury Airport. A map sign for the airport as well as marketing signs for the individuals lots are being developed as part of an economic development strategy. File photo/MVP Staff

MOUNTAIN VIEW COUNTY - County council has been given an update on work to promote the municipality’s economic development strategy.

The review came during a recent regularly scheduled council meeting, held by teleconference.

The strategy was approved in 2018, with administration then developing an internal action plan to continue to progress the strategy forward.

“A component of that strategy is for annual review to presented by administration to outline the progress of the document and any challenges experienced in that year,” administration said in a briefing note to council. 

“The intent is for the strategy to remain a dynamic document with amendments as necessary to align with the county’s overall strategic objectives.”

The strategy itself is coupled with four principal objectives: business growth potential; business retention and expansion; business attraction; and building relationships.

A number of projects have been undertaken in 2020 to promote the strategy, including the following:

• Creation of database of local realtors and developers including contact information: “Several realtors and developers have been added to the business registry. The re-introduction of stricter COVID mitigation measures will delay any in-person workshops or meetings in the short-term."

• Creation off COVID-19 business resources pages on the economic development website. “Regional economic development officers worked together to provide information and support to businesses through a dedicated phone line and online resources.”

• Real estate services at Olds Didsbury airport: “Administration conducted a request for proposal process seeking a realtor to market and sell lots at the airport. Currently we are developing a map sign for the airport as well as marketing signs for the individuals lots.”

The review report was accepted by council as information.

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