Grant provided for provincials hosting costs

OLDS — A grant of $500 was approved to help cover costs for organizers of the AA U15 boys provincials, held last weekend in Olds at the new Rotary Athletic Park.

The park will be holding its grand opening on Sept. 11.

Town officials had received a request for sponsorship of the provincials. The matter came up for discussion during council’s Aug. 24 meeting. 

Community services director Doug Wagstaff said staff had recommended a grant of $200, which would fit in with previous such grants. 

However, during discussion, Coun. Debbie Bennett recommended more than doubling that figure to $500 and councillors Heather Ryan and Wanda Blatz echoed that call. 

“I was thinking that because it’s provincials, because it’s new, and we’ll have our grand opening, I would consider $500 as a way to help them and also a way to show off our new fields and the number of people who are coming to town, which would probably be close to 200-plus,” she said. 

Wagstaff said it would be possible to do so. 

He said actually, chief administrative officer Michael Merritt has the authority to approve grants of up to $500, but that staff had gone this route “in their haste” because the decision to host the provincials had come up quickly.

Merritt confirmed that, but said he had no problem with the request going to council. 

"I understand even though this really didn’t need to come to council, but I do like to know what we are donating to,” Coun. Mary Anne Overwater said.

“And even though it is $500 or less at different times, I think it’s important that council has a little running total as to what we’re donating to,’ she added.

"I don’t think we need to give it a vote,” mayor Mike Muzychka said, pointing out council held a pretty robust discussion on the matter.

“I would just like to add ‘go Spitfires, go,’ he said.


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