Close to 200 registered for minor soccer

Innisfail Minor Soccer has 198 players registered this soccer season.

That is enough players for four U-4 teams (three- and four-year-olds), eight U-6 teams (five- and six-year-olds), six U-8 teams (seven- and eight-year-olds) and six U-10 teams (nine- and 10-year-olds). There are no U-12 or U-14 teams this season.

All Innisfail Minor Soccer Assocation teams practise on both Tuesday and Thursday evenings, but do not formally compete in a league. Rather, inter-squad games take place during the second half of each practice.

“We just want the kids to develop some skills and we just want them to have fun,” said Monique Smith, Innisfail Minor Soccer Association treasurer. “We are not a competitive team at all.”

So far the season has been going well, Smith said. The teams have experienced great weather, which has provided minor soccer players plenty of time to get outdoors and enjoy the sport.

“We've had just fabulous weather. It's been great. We have been quite fortunate this year,” she said.

The minor soccer season began on April 30 and runs through the end of June. The U-4 and U-6 teams practise at the high school between 6:30 and 7:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The U-8 and U-10 teams practise at the arena field from 6:15 to 7:45 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

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