Getting ready to create for Alberta Culture Days

Alberta Culture Days will be celebrated in town on Sept. 28 with a family drop-in event at the Innisfail Public Library from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

INNISFAIL – It’s a weekend to celebrate arts and culture.

Alberta Culture Days take place Sept. 27 to 29 in cities and towns across the province.

Here in town, the Innisfail Public Library is holding a family drop-in event from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Sept. 28.

“The theme of Alberta Culture Days this year is creativity, the arts and well-being,” said Lindsey Budd, assistant manager. “It’s a drop-in, family event.

“It’s not just for kids. We want everyone to get involved,” she added.

Culture days is a national celebration of arts and culture, with events held in every province across the country on the last weekend of September.

“Here at the Innisfail library we’re holding an indoor story walk,” said Budd. “We have different pages of a book that we’ve chosen and each page of the book will be (located in different parts) around the library. Each page will have an activity that relates to the book,” explained Budd, noting the interactive event will include the use of different art mediums such as paint or poetry.

“The book we’re using is about creativity, which is (part of) the theme for culture days this year,” she said, adding they want to focus on making arts and culture enjoyable for everyone of every ability.

“A lot of time people think they have to be good at something in order to try it, but we want people to know they can make mistakes, have fun and still make something beautiful,” said Budd. “(It’s a chance) to try different art mediums in a no pressure situation.”

Participating in Alberta Culture Days is a great way to learn and have fun as a family, she noted.

“We’d love for people to see what the Innisfail library has to offer. They’ll also get to try out different art mediums, get creative and try things they might not otherwise,” she said.

“We’re always trying to do things (that) you either get to create something or you’re always learning something new while having fun,” said Budd.

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